Saturday, April 6, 2013

Unicoi Gap to Sassafras Gap

Back on the trail and it feels good! We started off really strong and made great time up the first mountain of today. We even got to see some of the first bloom of wildflowers! Once we came down that first mountain we had a surprise waiting for us. It was trail magic! A man by the name of Omega and his wife Nikki were cooking up delicious hot dogs and handing out melt-in-your-mouth Krispy Kreme doughnuts! The best part to me was the handfuls of Reese's peanut butter cups and Twix that I got to take with me along the trail. Nothing beats a good sugar rush before heading up a mountainside! We zipped up the second mountain like a bunch rabbits racing up to the top of a hill and boy were we tired when we got there! I was doing a little better than Sara at that point. When we reached the bottom of the second mountain we were surprised yet again by a crowd of people and another group of trail angels. They all had thruhiked and went by the names of Carefree, Freedom, and the Roman Noodles! They had burgers, chips, soda, and most importantly a cold bottle of Guinness waiting for me! Sara felt great from all that food and about 4 cokes. She practically flew up Tray Mountain! I was struggling because my body just wanted to unwind at that point. Soon we made it to Tray Mountain shelter. I was a little tired and was struggling with some foot cramps but Sara was ready to go! We pushed on an extra 5 miles to my discontent. It was well worth it when we arrived to see some familiar faces! The campsite that were staying at is packed! Why Not taught us a neat new way to hang our bear bags, our food is completely unreachable! All in all it was a great and beautiful day on the trail. We are getting stronger and have more energy. Also the Chaco's are working great! No blisters, no pain, no worries!
With Love,
Max and Sara

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had quite a day. Glad there are so many nice and helpful people along the way. Getting extra food must be great. Love the pictures. Be safe. Love, Aunt Carole
