Thursday, April 11, 2013

Standing Indian Mountain to Long Branch Shelter

Today we did a long 14 miles and it was beautiful hiking! We traveled over many small but majestic looking creeks. We even found a short sandy patch of land that reminded me of the desert for some reason. We reached over 100 miles of total hiking today! At the top of Albert Mountain there was a beautiful panoramic view. I took a video for you all to see but I'm not sure if I will upload. Now we are at a brand new shelter called Long Branch Shelter! It's real nice here and Sara and I have the loft all to ourselves! Today was one of the hardest and most rewarding days so far.
With Love,
Max and Sara

1 comment:

  1. 14 miles that's great, you most be tired but proud of yourselves as well, each day you will be stronger and stronger. Sounds like a really nice shelter, so enjoy your time there... Love the pictures, beautiful sunset last night...North Carolina yeah!!
