Saturday, April 13, 2013

Meadow to Wesser Shelter

Really tacking on the miles! Today we hiked 13 miles over 3 mountains! My body feels great, my legs are strong, my lungs catching up, my mind is in the exact right place, but my feet!.. My feet are killing me! The only thing holding us back is our feet. They are really taking a beating on the downhill portions of our hike. All our weight coming down on our heels and transferring to our toes it's starting to takes it toll. At one point it really felt like I couldn't go on. I was taking such small steps and it was hurting so bad. Then something came over me and I started going faster. It almost seemed like the faster I went the less it hurt. Then when we got to the top of the mountain and got to see the view it really just reminded me of why we do this! Also we got our water today from a really beautiful spring fed stone cistern. Even with all the hardship that comes with the trail we still try to have fun everyday. If you're not having fun or enjoying yourself then why do it at all!
With love,
Max and Sara


  1. Love the shot of the mountains, just beautiful!

  2. They are! The views are awesome!

    Ask around...Maureen says there is a special way to walk downhill and avoid the stress on your feet. (She explained it - basically don't straighten your legs when you walk?? But I think you'd need to see what she said to get it. I sure as heck didn't. She said it made a world of difference going down hill.

    Love you! -Mom
