Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Roan Mountain and Fog

The past two days have been difficult. I think the weather being so crappy and not getting enough calories has made things seem harder. It's discouraging to climb to the top of a mountain to find no views, only fog. Luckily, two of the taller mountains we have climbed today and yesterday had beautiful spruce forests at their summits. It was reminiscent of The Smokies and made the climbs worthwhile. We were glad to get to the shelter today after nearly 17 miles, it's a converted barn and huge! Enough space for everyone, unlike the hostel we stayed at last night which was packed! It was a nice little place though, The Greasy Creek Friendly. The woman who runs it, Cee Cee, is really nice and a little eccentric. It was mostly just nice to get out of the rain.

Anyway, the forecast for tomorrow is looking better, and the terrain should be easier, or so YNØT2K tells us. Hopefully we'll see the sun!

Much Love,


  1. I love the picture of you Sara between the two little trees and Max you are looking very fit. Hope the weather has been better, nothing like the rain to put a damper on things especially when your hiking. I still am amazed of the one picture of the river, so high and rough. Even with all the ups and downs and knowing that this is one very hard trip, you both have such spirit and I'm proud of you both. Hope you found some trail magic today :) see you soon! Love always, mom. Be safe

  2. Hope that the weather gets better for you guys! Hang in there. Love the photos. Stay safe guys!

  3. Hey Sara & both are such an inspiration to all of us just sitting here writing on your blog, look wonderful, happy & healthy.....just what we all back home want to see and hear. The pictures are amazing, (except for the RAT SNAKE!)...continue to enjoy your travels and be safe. P.S. So glad to hear you got to see mom & dad, and everything worked out perfectly. Love Diane

  4. Hey!! I miss you two so much and think often of the excitement and hardships of your adventure! Really hope you guys are doing okay i dont know what the weather has been like for you but it's been pretty damn wet around here. I can't wait to get another call from you, it really is beautiful to hear you talk with such passion and excitement about the glorious things you've seen. I want you to know, you both, have inspired me and im so jealous but in the best of ways!

    Max- Everyone's been a bit worried since they haven't heard from you (mom and dad) i tried to explain to them though that they shouldn't because you're out exploring and living the dream you've worked so hard for. In fact i told them they should have expected it because with all that beauty and earthly mystique who would blame you for wanting to be engulfed by it. I love you big brother...or should i say comrade!

    Sara- What magnificent pictures you have taken and your smile so genuinely filled with, what i can only expect to be, true happiness. Im so happy that my brother has such a determined, strong, and beautiful woman at his side. I really do look up to you individually, you're one of the only women that ive encountered where i've seen them strive for something and accomplish it. I love you and wish the best!

    Hope to hear from you soon,

  5. Hello Sara and Comrade!

    Glad to see you’re still on the trail and soldiering on. (Funny when I went to search for your blog on google I found this link: - thought it both ironic and interesting that you missed your chance to meet them while in GA…lol)

    Sara – thank you so much for posting on facebook – it’s nice to know that while my son (responsive as ever) is busy rescuing butterflies in winged distress, you’re still posting.

    Note to Max: I will start to worry if there’s no activity on your blog for 10 days. So please Max, manage to post, call or text something, will ya???

    Important Note to you both: I hope you have this site bookmarked and check it when you are able:

    On a separate note, you might want to consult the following Brood II map as you’re heading straight into the thick of them:

    Here’s the main site with lots of info you could probably use, since it looks as if you’ll be hiking alongside Brood II thru a few states:

    and two other sites w/updated information and geographical relevance:

    If you’re short on food, here are some recipes. All resources are saying Brood II is a boon of protein for hikers on the Appalachian trail:

