Saturday, June 15, 2013

Back On the Virginia Grind

Getting back on the trail after zero at our friends place was one of the hardest and agonizing ventures thus far. Every time we stay in town, in the lap of luxury, it becomes increasingly more difficult to return to the trail. Even with the biggest tree on the trail we just weren't impressed. The trail was losing its luster. We were losing are will and motivation to press on. All the reasons we started the trail began to conflict with what we were experiencing on the trail. I personally had thoughts of getting off all together. It was then that I realized the only way I was getting off was if I was in Maine after summiting Katahdin. If I wanted I to end I would just have to go faster. It was then that I crossed the continental divide and was almost a symbolic halfway point. Going from south to north and from honeymoon to crucible. Realizing that the trail wasn't going to be a walk in the park and actual one of the hardest challenges was a great turning point. Since then I've actually been enjoying it a whole lot more. The next day we planned on doing big miles but we were cut short by a very windy and aggressive lightning storm. Today we had a lot to look forward to. We first got to climb Dragons Tooth ridge! We climbed up and a got a really nice view of Virginia. The descent however was a rock scramble that was very difficult and fun. When we reached the bottom we got to go to a delicious buffet restaurant just a little ways off the trail. With full bellies we another 5 miles up to McAfee's knob to watch the sunset. It was a exceptionally beautiful day and really gave a little shine back to the trail where it was lacking. After all that we hiked another mile to a shelter putting us at 17 for the day! Doing bigger miles never felt so good!
With love,
Pyress and Comrade

P.S. We saw a rock that looks like a bears head!


  1. Glad to hear that things are better and that you are continuing on your way to Mt. Katahdin. The pictures are beautiful, especially the ones of McAfee's Knob. It looks a bit scary to me, dad was like no way would I be standing that close to the edge lol you know how he hates heights! The sunset pics are so amazing, what a way to end a day of hiking. Keep plugging away and soon you will be done in Va., the never ending state. Must be getting hot, let me know if you need anything. Miss you and love you! As always be safe and take care of each other! Love, mom

  2. “We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.”
    (Kenji Miyazawa)

    That shot of you two on McAfee’s Knob could not be more beautiful! I hope to see a similar one with an autumn background from the summit of Katahdin in a few more months.

    Keep enduring…you’ll be proud when you finish!

    I’m glad you made it through the doldrums of your journey – keeping up morale can be very difficult when the “newness” of the trail becomes commonplace. I found this story which may inspire you:

    (Here’s to seeing your signatures on a ceiling tile in the AT CafĂ© in Millinocket!)

    Songs for keeping mood’s cheery, hikers happy and Max playing at the campfire: – This song always makes me think of you, Max. You've got Yoshimi down pat so hopefully you'll do the same with this one (been saving it for you)

    Finally ( I know, too much stuff, but when I get on a roll and have the time, well… here's a fellow hiker-blogger with some good advice for hiking in the heat:

    It was good to hear your voice today. Enjoy the Blue Ridge Mts and godspeed to Shenandoah


  3. Love the pictures!!! The one on the cliff is crazy!!! Be safe, have fun.
    Love Diane

  4. The pictures are so beautiful. You look great, Sara. Have fun and be safe.
